Supply Chain Planning

Start with a Modern Supply Chain Planning Foundation
Plan Material and Capacity
Project demand, inventory, capacity, and supply requirements.
Monitor Performance
Review changes and plan deviations.
Respond to Changes
Communicate planned orders to Oracle SCM Cloud execution systems.

Become a Demand Driven Enterprise
Sense Demand
Capture demand signals and transform them into business insights.
Predict Demand
Accurately forecast demand with advanced statistical models.
Shape Demand
Simulate the impact of product introductions, causal events, and alternative scenarios.

Synchronize Supply Chain, Financial, Sales, and Marketing Plans
Align the Enterprise
Collaborate to achieve cross-organizational plan consensus.
Analyze Performance
Review financial, product, demand, and supply plan performance.
Act Upon a Consensus Plan
Link the aggregate consensus plan to tactical sales, financial, and supply plans.

Adapt to Changes in Capacity, Supply, and Demand
Review Plan Changes
Plan supply at multiple levels to prioritize issues and opportunities.
Simulate Actions
Evaluate the impact of what-if changes to capacity, supply, and demand.
Execute Supply Plans
Release plan recommendations that have the greatest impact.